Our doctors and holistic health coaches have not only undergone extensive and ongoing training in their specialties, each has had personal experience dealing with a health crisis, either their own or that of a loved one. They understand what you are going through and will provide you with compassionate, empathic, and experienced care. We are all here because we truly care about our clients and want to see them achieve their goals.

D.C., PSC.D.
Dr. Randy Michaux
National Board Certified Chiropractic Physician, Holistic Health Coach, and licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Dr. Randy Michaux met his amazing wife, Jenn, over 20 years ago. During a day out in which he and his family were meeting his future in-laws for the first time, Randy began to suffer a migraine, and became extremely nauseated, light-headed, and unable to breathe. Within two minutes of sitting down at a restaurant, he had to leave. On top of feeling physically terrible, Randy felt anxious and guilty. This was not the first time that his symptoms had come between Randy and the life he wanted to live. Since the age of 13, he had been plagued by debilitating symptoms and had believed that this was just the way that his body functioned.
As Randy got older, his health became worse rather than better — with more responsibilities came additional stress, which exacerbated his migraines and brought them on more frequently. They interfered with his college classes and his church attendance. His health plummeted after he opened his chiropractic office. He lost nearly 30 pounds over the course of several months, and due to migraines was forced to close his practice multiple times per month. In 2010, through the help of a naturopath, he found the root causes of his condition and started his road to recovery. Can you guess what the root causes were? You guessed it: parasites, fungus, environmental toxins, and his own thoughts.
Through a series of tests, Randy then discovered that he had many biomarkers indicating potential colon cancer. As his naturopath shared this information and his wife cried beside him, Randy knew that he would do whatever it took to restore his health. These experiences were a key turning point in Randy’s health journey — mind, body, and spirit. Living through this experience and observing the experiences of those around him helped Randy to become more loving, empathic, compassionate, and understanding. He embarked on a search to find better answers: to gain a deeper understanding of disease, of the body, and of the nature of healing and prevention.
In 2014, Randy’s father was diagnosed with cancer and died two months later. Shortly after that, his sister became chronically ill with debilitating fatigue, anxiety, depression, and more.
We searched for a doctor for her and were led to Dr. Todd Watts, who ultimately invited him to join Total Body Wellness.
Now, Randy is in his 40s and feeling better than he ever has. He loves running, racing, and pushing the limits of what he can do, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Randy has a deep understanding of the detrimental effects that parasites, toxins, and chronic infections have in the body, as well as the effects of emotional toxicity in the medical field. He strives to cultivate a respectful and empathic relationship with his own clients, addressing both their physical and emotional health as he helps them to discover their inner strength, find the opportunities for growth in their challenges, and live to their highest potential. Randy is the host of Restore the Real, a podcast that features real conversations with real people about facing challenges, finding insight, and restoring health in the mind, body, and spirit. He is a regular guest on Microbe Formulas' "Live with Docs" and has presented several times at CellCores’s ECO Live conference, which explores the latest innovations in natural health protocols.
Microbiome & Gut Health
Mindset & Emotional Resilience
Cellular Healing
Nutritional Health
Emotion/Body Code Certified
Cellcore Muscle Testing Training
Live Cell Microscopy
B.A., M.ED.
Carol Egan
Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified Integrative Health Practitioner, Certified Nutrition Practitioner, and member of the American Association of Integrative Health.
Carol Egan is a Cornell University-trained Executive Health Coach, a member of Forbes’ Coaches Council, a Clinical Advisor for Cellcore Biosciences, and a health coach at Microbe Formulas. She has created and led wellness programs and workshops for C-Suite executives at Travelers Insurance, Keller-Williams, ESPN, JP Morgan, Dana Farber, GE Capital, and other Fortune 500 brands. Through her programs, Carol has helped hundreds of executives transform their health and their lives.
Carol discovered her path to holistic health after dealing with a chronic illness so severe that, in her own words, being sick became her identity. She spent what felt like a lifetime in doctors’ offices, visiting one specialist for this symptom, another specialist for that symptom, and yet another for something else. Despite being in “the best” examining rooms, she found no real answers and her health continued to spiral downward with no relief.
When Carol isn't coaching, she serves as a member of CellCore Bioscience's Clinical Advisory Board.
As part of this role, she authored a 1000-page Foundational Medicine (FM) document that aims to advance the science of FM and support CellCore practitioners worldwide.
Carol recognized that if she were ever going to get better, she’d have to find the solution herself, and she began to do her own research. She learned that traditional medicine all but overlooks how the impact of the modern lifestyle affects our digestive health, and how a breakdown in any one area of the body impacts every area of the body… and the quality of our lives. She attained post-graduate education and certifications in nutrition, digestive health, detoxification and the study of human potential, and has helped her clients put autoimmune disease in remission, relieve life-long cases of IBD, and move beyond trauma and debilitating health challenges. Her clients describe her as a tenacious problem solver who never gives up on their behalf, always finding a way forward no matter the obstacle.
Environmental Toxicity
Mycotoxin Toxicity
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Mold Illness
Cellular Cleansing
Digestive Health
Foundational Medicine
CellCore Muscle Testing Training
Transformational Education

D.C., PSC.D.
Dr. Nick Ellenson
National Board Certified Chiropractic Physician, Holistic Health Coach, and licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Dr. Nick Ellenson graduated from Chiropractic school in 2010 and began practicing Functional Medicine in 2016. His journey into Functional Medicine started when one of his best friends had a flare-up of Lyme and other health issues due to the stress of giving birth to her daughter. Nick began researching Functional Medicine in order to find natural, safe, and effective ways of dealing with Lyme disease, detoxing mold and heavy metals, clearing parasites, and addressing other causes of health struggles.
Nick started working for CellCore as the lead educational researcher in 2020. In that role, he collects cutting-edge research on different supplements, herbs, and various health topics, and uses it to educate doctors, clients, and the general public through articles and presentations. He has presented at CellCore’s ECO Live conference for healthcare practitioners from diverse clinical backgrounds, and is a regular guest on Microbe Formulas’ "Live With The Docs" and CellCore’s “Live with The Docs” for practitioners.
Nick has a huge passion for helping people get to the root cause of their health issues so that they are able to live healthy, amazing lives. He is married to his wonderful wife Loretta and has two amazing daughters, Riina and Amelia.

D.C., PSC.D.
Dr. Todd Watts
National Board Certified Chiropractic Physician, Functional Wellness Practitioner, and licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Dr. Todd Watts is the founder of Total Body Wellness Clinic. Although he is no longer seeing patients, he continues to serve the clinic in an advisory capacity, sharing his valuable knowledge, experience, and insights.
His passion for helping others restore their health so that they can live their true purpose stems from his own journey in overcoming his health struggles, which began at the age of 28 with an Epstein-Barr virus infection. By the time he turned 40, he was struggling with arthritic pain in his hands, wrists, low back, and shoulders, along with chronic headaches and muscle tightness in his neck, shoulders, and back.
He also struggled with food and seasonal allergies, chronic fatigue, night sweats, muscle fatigue and twitches, brain fog, and memory issues. While attending a medical conference on Lyme disease, he identified with many of the symptoms of Lyme and its coinfections and later tested positive for a chronic Lyme infection.
On his journey with treating Lyme disease, he seemed to go through cyclical patterns of feeling good and then crashing.
He met another practitioner who told him he had parasites, which was causing many of his symptoms as well as the cyclical pattern. Having gone through many Lyme protocols, he realized that addressing the parasites was vital in overcoming the Lyme disease and the rest of his symptoms. He has since trained with several Lyme disease and parasitology experts and become a leading expert in this field.
Today, Dr. Watts feels great and has sustained energy that allows him to help others, enjoy time with his family, and live his true purpose. The turning point for him occurred one evening when he pulled into the driveway and watched his 5-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter playing baseball with the neighbor, and realized that he had never done this with his kids because of his lack of energy and motivation. He was not being the father and husband that he had always dreamed of being. At that point, he realized that he had to do whatever it took to overcome his health issues. Dr. Watts is happily married with four amazing children.


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